Queues are used to manage assignments to a group of users. You can add any Salesforce user to a Gradient Works Queue. This article will explain how you set up your Queue:
Start by naming your Queue. The naming convention typically corresponds to the pool of users that you'd like to apply to the Queue. For example, if you'd like a group of assignments to go to your Enterprise SDRs you can simply name your Queue "Enterprise SDRs"
Note: Once you name your Queue please double check before you change the name of the Queue. It's very likely that the corresponding Flow is taking into account the original name of the Flow. If you ever need to change the name of a Queue, make sure that you apply the change to both the Flow and the selected Gradient Works Queue
Assignment Policy: This determines how your Queue will distribute items. There are three choices:
- Adaptive: This is the recommended selection. Adaptive operates like a round robin but will take into account the users availability and also Capacity Meters if you have it enabled in your Queue.
- Round Robin: A traditional Round Robin, will not take into account availability or capacity meters
- Schedule First Available: This option will assign to the user who was least recently assigned and has both calendar availability and status availability
Assignment Field: This is the field that will be set to the assigned user. It will default to OwnerID if left blank.
Capacity Meter: If you have set up Capacity Meters, this field allows you to select the Capacity Meter that you would like to apply to the Queue.
Default Max Capacity: Any users that get added to the Queue will automatically get a Max Capacity value set.
The below fields are only available if you select the Adaptive Assignment Policy.
Next Slot Index: Determines the next slot that will be used for an assignment
Queue Slots allow you to see who is up next on a particular Queue it also allows you to skip an user if needed. Please note that the availability status and working hours will impact whether a user receives and assignment. So the "Next Up" user may be skipped depending on those factors.