Intro to Account Retrievals
Account retrievals allow you to pull account ownership from reps and place them in a holding user’s name. This allows you to create a pool of accounts which can then be used for distributions.
Retrievals are highly customizable and allow you to use any Salesforce field to build out exactly which accounts you want to retrieve from reps.
Set Up an Account Retrieval
As an example, we will set up a retrieval for accounts that are in the United States and have not been touched for 90 days
1) Navigate to the “Retrievals” tab on the left hand side of the Gradient Works Bookbuilder app and select it.
2) You will now see a screen that shows completed Retrievals.
3) Click “New Retrieval” in the top right corner of the screen. You should now see a “New Retrieval” screen as shown below
Retrieval Details
1) Give the retrieval a name, let's call this one “Untouched US Accounts”
2) Select the “Ownership Field” which is the field that signifies ownership of the account. We will use the standard OwnerId field.
3) Specify the user the accounts are moving to from the reps. In this case we will use our holding user “User User”. Note: This should be the pool user where accounts are gathered together to be assigned out to reps at a later time.
4) Optionally, you can select who accounts get retrieved from in the “Retrieve Accounts from (Optional)” drop down
- “Specific Reps (By Name)” - This option allows you to add any selection of rep(s) who are applied to any target book within bookbuilder
- “Specific Reps (By Target Book)” - This option allows you to select one or more target books which will automatically make all users within the selected book(s) eligible for the retrieval
Note: if no reps or target books are selected, the retrieval will consider all users in Salesforce as eligible for the retrieval
For this example we will retrieve accounts from the SDR’s by selecting “Specific Reps (By Target Book)”
We will then add the target book by clicking “Add Target Books” under the “Selected Target Books” section.
Then select the target book(s) and click “Select”
Your “Retrieval Details” should now look like this
Accounts to Retrieve
1) Optionally, you can set a “Max Retrieval Amount” which will limit the total number of accounts retrieved to the input number. If this is left blank, there is no limit on the number of accounts retrieved.
For this example we will leave this section blank in order to pull back all accounts that meet the retrieval criteria
Retrieval criteria allows you to specify which accounts are retrieved based on account fields. Let's add our first condition which will evaluate the country of the account.
2) In the “Account Field” section, select your desired field to evaluate. In this case we will use “BillingCountry”
3) Use the operator to select the type of evaluation made between the “Account Field” and the “Value”. Since we want “BillingCountry” to equal “United States” we will select the “Equals” operator.
Note: If you wanted to evaluate whether the account was in North America, we could use the “Is In” operator and specify a list of values to evaluate for the “BillingCountry”. For more information on this, take a look at our article Using The "Is In" Operator
4) Enter the value which the account field should equal in the “Value” section. In this case we will enter “United States”
Your “Accounts to Retrieve” section should now look like this
Ranking Criteria
Ranking Criteria allows you to select which accounts get retrieved first. This is only really applicable if you have a “Max Retrieval Amount” set. In this case, you might want to pull the oldest accounts first, or pull the accounts with the highest account score first.
1) Click “Add Criteria” under the “Ranking Criteria” section
2) Add a field to the “Account Field” box such as “Annual Revenue”
3) select the order in which to rank the accounts. For the annual revenue, we would want to pull accounts with the highest revenue first so we would select “Higher is Better”
Now your Ranking Criteria should look something like this
Note: you can add multiple ranking criteria and it will rank them according to the criteria in order from top to bottom.
Account Fields to Update
This section allows you to update fields on the account when the retrieval occurs. A popular use for this section is to set a retrieval date field on the account in order to enhance account history.
This also allows you to use the retrieved date as criteria in a distribution which could be a way to create a resting period for the account to sit in the holding user’s name.
1) Click “Add Field” under the “Account Fields to Update” section
2) Select a field you want to update such as a custom “Retrieved_Date__c” field
3) Enter the desired value to be updated during the retrieval
Note: for Date and Datetime fields, Today and Now are the two options that will show for the value. Today will specify today’s date at time 00:00:00. Now will give a value of today’s date and the time the retrieval occurred.
Execute the Retrieval
1) In the bottom right corner of the page, click continue
2) You will now see a preview of the accounts that will be retrieved along with the current owner and the new owner after the retrieval executes.
3) Click “Retrieve Now” in the top right or bottom right corner to execute the retrieval