Distributions allow you to distribute accounts to reps or a specific Target Books
Distributions are highly customizable and allow you to use any Salesforce field to build out exactly which accounts you want to distribute to reps. Please note that accounts must be enrolled prior to distribution.
Distributing Accounts
Navigate to the “Distribution” tab on the left hand side. Click the “+” next to Distributions or click on “New Distribution” on the top right hand corner.
You should be presented with two sections to fill out Distribution Details and Accounts to Distribute
Distribution Details
Distribution Name: Name your distribution, it will automatically default to the time that you clicked “New Distribution”
Distribution Type: This gives you the option of how and the amount of accounts you would like to distribute.
- A Fixed Amount Per Rep: A subset of all eligible accounts (as specified) will be distributed
- Top Off By Target Book: Enough accounts will be distributed to align reps’ books as closely as possible with their active target books.
Distribution Recipients: Allows you to either distribute to a select list of user(s) or distribute by Target Books (click this link to learn more about Target Books)
- Specific Reps (By Name): Distribute accounts to specific users
- Specific Reps (By Target Book): Distribute accounts to a Target Book that you have created.
Accounts to Distribute
For our example, let’s say you’re looking to distribute accounts that have Inbounded within the last 90 days
Distribution Criteria: Define the criteria that should be included in the distribution. Please note that the accounts must be enrolled to be eligible. (click here for more information about Enrollment Criteria)
- Referring back to our example for any accounts that have Inbounded within the last 90 days. The fields we want to make sure we account for are “AccountSource = Inbound” and “LastReferencedDate = Last 90 Days”
2. Ranking Criteria: Use ranking criteria prioritize accounts for fair distribution or if the number of eligible accounts exceeds the distribution amount. In this example, let’s say we want the most recent Inbounded accounts to have priority.
3. Account Fields to Update: Utilize this section if you’d like Bookbuilder to update any fields that will be set after the distribution. This allows you to input things like the date that it was distributed.
- Note if you set a “Retrieval Date” to be updated, this is a great way to create a resting period for the account to sit in the holding user’s name.
Execute the Distribution:
- Click “Continue”
- You’ll see a preview of the results of the account that will be distributed along with the owner that will received the account
- Click “Distribute Now” to complete the distribution.